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  • nessacxbeauty

My Many Hats

Growing up, I realize I’ve had a lot of interests. Too many to even try to recall them all. I wanted to be a wrestler, a singer, an actress, a poet, a published writer and a news anchor to name a few. Everyone always asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, making the inference that I had to choose one and making me believe that the one I chose would be my permanent choice forever. 

I went through the education system and had to push a lot of my interests to the side. In high school, I took Saturday and summer courses and it felt like I never took a day off in my life. I immediately went on to pursue my bachelors degree then my masters degree, all in a lineal direction, forging my path to becoming a counselor. 

However, what I realized along the way is that being a counselor is not my only passion and it’s not the only hat I wish to wear. I’ve wanted to be a YouTuber, a singer, a writer, and a makeup artist. I want my creative sole to feel whole.

Being in the mental health profession has really opened by eyes to what a full and wholesome life means to me. To me, it means a life full of beauty and doing anything and everything in my power to do the things I love. 

I recall taking an assessment called the quality of life inventory and the area I scored lowest for each time that I took it was in the “play” area of life. That’s the area that measures how much of what you love you actually do in your spare time and mine was LOW. I had been so focused on getting my degree that I never thought to ask myself when the last time I sung a song or did my makeup for fun was. Something had to change and I knew I had to make my YouTube channel. I wanted to call it NessacxBeauty because I knew I would focus more on makeup, however I didn’t want to get lost in it so I also post other things I love, like singing on my channel. I know I don’t want to fit in one box, I know I don’t only want to wear the hat of a beauty YouTuber. I want to be a singer, a vlogger, a blogger and a friend to those who I meet through these mediums.

My channel doesn’t only have to only be about makeup in terms of beauty. There’s so much beauty in this world. Beauty encompasses the internal, the external and everything in between. Beauty can be in my voice when I sing, in my vlogs, in my relationships and... EVERYWHERE. So this is my promise that NessacxBeauty will not fit into a small box. This is a promise that the meaning of beauty will expand and broaden as I grow because everyday I learn about the beauty of something new and I’d like to share that with you. There are so many hats I want to wear in life and this first blog is a promise that I will do whatever it takes to wear as many of them as I can. This is my promise to do more of what I love.

Since making this decision, I’ve been happy despite loosing some of the most important people in my life. I believe that this is the secret to living a happier and more fulfilling life. 

Someone asked me how I was doing yesterday and I said that I was doing really good. He asked how he would be able to do really good too & I told him that the answer was simple. I told him to do more of what he loved. 

This secret begs the question: Why in a world with so many hats, most of us only chose one?

I challenge anyone reading this to do more of what they love and I hope my passions ignite yours. Thank you for reading my first blog. 

Me, doing the things I love

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